Quest:Edoras: Abandoning the Land

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Edoras: Abandoning the Land
Level 87
Type Solo
Starts with Frantic Farmer
Starts at Edoras
Start Region Edoras
Map Ref [61.5S, 72.0W]
Ends with Léodferth
Ends at Edoras
End Region Edoras
Map Ref [61.5S, 71.4W]
Quest Group Edoras
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I'm very busy! What do you want?

'The weeds will take over while we are gone, and choke out my crops. We'll go hungry if we ever come back! And the is so dry.'

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.


Many farmers and gardeners are desperately tending their crops before they leave, hoping that they will have food upon their return to the Edoras.

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.

Objective 1

  • Water crops one last time (0/5)
  • Pull the last of the weeds (0/5)

Frantic gardeners and farmers can be found throughout the eastern side of Edoras, where poorer townspeople rely upon their crops.

You should help the frantic gardeners and farmers tend their plots.

Frantic Farmer: 'Thank you for helping! I hope we do not lose many crops....'
Watered crops (5/5)
Pulled weeds (5/5)

Objective 2

Léodferth can be found near the east gate of Edoras.

You should speak with Léodferth.

Léodferth: 'How kind of you to help the farmers, <name>! The people on this side of town are very worried about going hungry, for they worked hard to sow their crops this year. They haven't much money, you see....
'I hope your efforts will give them some peace of mind when they leave their fields and garden behind.'